Saturday, October 22, 2005

Few more pics from Barcelona...

Just sorting out a few more pics and I figured what the hell you might want to see them...


Found this chap performing to no one in particular...

As he twirled about in the rain his friend played along with an alto sax...

Goose Neck Barnacles, look bizarre, taste stunning if you've got the wallet for them.
A wheel of smoked fish...
...with matriarchal fishwife!
Figs in the Boqueria.
Big Brother is watching you, and he's a bit sad about it.


Anonymous said...

Just cruising the net and came across this great blog - excellent articles - Amon
If you have a moment please take a look at my site: Manic Depression

Monkey Gland said...

Atually you know what, I'm going to leave this bit of Spam. I quite like it...

cookiecrumb said...

Lithium lovers, unite.
MG, so do you espeak Espanish? I'm still so jealous. I've never been to Espain.
(Oh! I have the best thing to tell you. I'm actually friends with Jim Hormel, he the heir of the Spam dynasty!)

Monkey Gland said...

Hmm Spam Fritters.

Si, hablo espanish.

Sara said...

Wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Great photos of one of my favorite cities! I've only tasted percebes once, but they were amazing, worth every Euro. Love how the vendor cut the figs, too.