I'm having dinner at St John tonight by way of a treat for the girlfriend. I have shown her the menu (you can catch it here) and she is terrified!
I've eaten there a couple of times and loved Fergus Henderson's approach to English food and quality produce though the menu can be a touch daunting and probably not one for the faint hearted. I'll give you a full run down in the morning.
Fabboo! I've got his cookbook, but haven't attempted anything yet. The first thing I try, I want it to be really scary -- say, the jellied tripe. [blushes as she realizes it's probably not all that scary to some people] Can't wait to hear all about it. PS: I'm getting much braver with my banner; go see.[blushes as she realizes it's probably not all that brave-looking to some people]
Fabboo! I've got his cookbook, but haven't attempted anything yet. The first thing I try, I want it to be really scary -- say, the jellied tripe. [blushes as she realizes it's probably not all that scary to some people]
Can't wait to hear all about it.
PS: I'm getting much braver with my banner; go see.[blushes as she realizes it's probably not all that brave-looking to some people]
Also, lookie here.
What a lucky girl!!!
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